Happy Science Ikegami Uncategorized Why Are People Prone To Anxiety These Days?

Why Are People Prone To Anxiety These Days?

The world has advanced quite a bit in recent years, with technology being on top of everyone’s priority list. We have high-speed internet, mobile phones, and other gadgets that make our lives easier. But what about people? Are we really benefitting from these changes? Hmm… it seems not! People are suffering from stress and anxiety more than ever these days. To help you understand this a little better, I’ve explained some statistics and causes of anxiety that will convince you that it’s time to be more mindful of your mental health.

Noticeable data of anxiety

The World Health Organization has found that around 450 million people in the world suffer from anxiety disorders, making it one of the most common mental diseases. This number is increasing every year, showing that more people are suffering from anxiety.

In North America for example, 21.8% of adults have an anxiety disorder and 9.5% have a major depressive episode every year. Additionally, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that more than 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from some form of anxiety disorder.

In Canada, around 18% of adults suffer from an anxiety disorder and about 30% of Americans will develop one by the time they turn 21. The rest 60% won’t even realize that they have some form of mental health issue!

What causes anxiety?

Now let’s think a little deeper into what causes anxiety in people. As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of reasons why people suffer from anxiety. Some are hereditary, while others are acquired during one’s lifetime.

Let’s start with hereditary causes: Genetics has a big role in determining the type of disorder that someone might develop. Anxiety disorders tend to run in families, so if your parents or other family members have an anxiety disorder then you’re likely to develop one as well. This doesn’t mean that you will; only that the odds of developing it are higher than those without such a hereditary background.

Another cause of anxiety is the environment. Yes, the environment that we’re living in can definitely have a bad or stressful effect on our mental health. Different factors like wars, crime rates, terrorism, or lack of natural resources make the world a more dangerous place than it actually is. This means that anxiety can manifest itself differently in different people depending on how they perceive these dangers.

How to treat anxiety?

Now that we know what causes anxiety and how many people suffer from it, let’s talk about its treatment. If you happen to be one of the millions of people suffering from this mental disease then there are three main treatments to consider:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that’s used to treat anxiety disorders. It addresses the patterns in a person’s thinking that may cause them to feel anxious or become obsessed with an issue. The goal is for people with an anxiety disorder to look at their own thought processes so they can identify problematic ones and replace them with more positive ones.


Yes, there are medications that can be used to treat anxiety disorders. They can reduce the intensity of your symptoms and allow you to enjoy life better again. However, it’s important to know that these drugs usually require a prescription from a doctor so they might not be available at all times. Also, the use of such medications shouldn’t exceed a certain time frame because if they’re used for too long then it might become difficult to stop taking them.

As with any medication, you should consult your doctor before using these drugs. They’ll be able to tell you more about their side effects and what’s safe and not safe for you to take.

Herbal supplements

Many people are unaware of the fact that herbal supplements can help reduce anxiety. Essential oils, for example, are very effective when used for aromatherapy. Lavender oil has been proven to have great effects on people with anxiety disorders. CBD oil is another herbal compound that can be used to treat symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia, among others. However, when it comes to CBD oil, make sure you use a reputable brand. Before buying such products, always read reviews and check if their seal is intact or not as this would mean that they might be dangerous to use.


Anxiety is becoming a common problem around the world. As people become more prone to stress and put themselves under pressure to meet deadlines, this type of mental disease is likely to become even more prominent in society. If you or someone you know suffers from anxiety then these are treatments to consider.