Happy Science Ikegami Health Eating disorders and their health effects

Eating disorders and their health effects

Alsana St. Louis is an author who has personal experience as a an overweight person. She tells her story as well as the stories of other people who suffer from eating disorders to aid those affected by this illness.

What is an eating disorder?

The term “eating disorder” refers to a psychological physical and mental illness characterised by an unbalanced relationship to food. Individuals with eating disorders can suffer from a variety of symptoms. These include a constant obsession with food, overeating or restricted eating, distorted body image and extreme emotional states. The effects of eating disorders can cause severe health issues and possibly death.

There are three major kinds that are eating disorders. They include anorexia-nervosa as well as bulimia nervosa and the disorder of binge eating. Alsana’s St. Louis Location is characterised by self-starvation and a fear of weight gain. The condition is known as Bulimia nervosa. It’s characterized frequent episodes of binge eating and purging. Binge eating disorder can be described by repeated episodes of binge eating without purging.

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They can be treated however, they usually require extensive treatment. Treatment options consist of individual therapy or family therapy, group therapy, medical treatment along with nutrition and health education.

There are many adverse health effects that are related to eating disorders, and some are life-threatening. This includes issues with digestion and absorption of nutrients, in addition to an increased risk of developing heart-related problems, as well as other serious medical issues.

Anorexics may suffer from amenorrhea or absence of menstrual flow. This is caused by the dramatic weight loss as well as the lack of nutrition within the body. Read out treatment programs for Alsana St. Louis Other effects of anorexia include loss of hair, brittle nails and itchy skin.

The condition can result in a range of health issues. Because people who suffer from bulimia frequently cleanse when they eat, they could be suffering from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This could cause irregular heartbeats as well as kidney damage as well as death. Bulimics can also be affected by the erosion of enamel on their teeth as well as inflammation of the esophagus.

Binge eating disorders may also be a serious health risk. People who eat excessively are more at chance of being overweight and other health issues like heart disease as well as high blood pressure as well as type 2 diabetes. The people who binge-eaters might also be suffering from anxiety and depression.

Treatment for eating disorders

Alana St. Louis’s therapy plan for eating disorder is founded on the notion that the eating disorder is the result of imbalances in the body. The aim of her treatment is to restore harmony and balance to the body by different methods, including acupuncture herbal medicine, as well as dietary therapy.

Alana treats patients suffering from eating disorders for more than 10 years and has seen tremendous successes with her method. She has helped a variety of patients who suffer from all kinds of eating disorders, ranging from anorexia and bulimia to even helped those who suffered from binge eating disorders.

You or someone else you are aware of are struggling in an eating disorder get in touch with Alana. Alana would be pleased to support you in your path towards recovery.


I’ve been awestruck by the journey of Alana’s and how she was able to overcome the eating disorders that she suffered from. I’m hoping that her story will encourage others suffering from their problems with food to seek help and be convinced that recovery is possible. Should you, or somebody you know are struggling to overcome an eating disorder get help from a professional.